
Chip design and simulation Photomask design and production    

Yellow-light shadow High temperature proton exchange Titanium diffusion Electrode manufacturing

Wafer grinding and polishing Fiber block design Optical fiber tail connection Laser packaging

Performance parameter testing Environmental testing Factory burn-in

Modulator Test Station MTS-16 Modulator Test Station utilizes feedback loop control configuration for automated measurement of Bias Stability, Optical Transmission, Insertion Loss, and DC Vπ of optica […]

The LLA is a laser linewidth analyzer based on the delayed self-heterodyne interferometric technique. It consists of a high-performance LiNbO3 phase modulator as the frequency shifter in the delayed s […]

WLI-1550 – White Light Interferometer The White Light Interferometer—WLI-1550 is an enhanced version of Scanning Michelson Interferometer designed to obtain the Polarization Cross Talk and […]